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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Presidential debates start popping up

Minnesota Public Radio:
"The Iowa Republican Party announced today that they will hold two debates for the 2012 GOP candidates. The first debate will be held on August 11, 2011. It's scheduled two days before the Iowa Republican Straw Poll. The second debate will be held before the Iowa Caucuses which are scheduled to be held on February 6th 2012. Fox News and the Iowa GOP will co-sponsor the debate.

The announcement comes one day after a presidential debate was announced in New Hampshire. The state that holds the first presidential primary. WMUR-TV, the New Hampshire Union Leader and CNN are co-sponsoring a debate on June 7th in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Fox News and the South Carolina GOP also announced two presidential debates. The first debate will be held on May 5th in Greenville, South Carolina. The second debate will be scheduled closer to the South Carolina primary.

There is one other debate that's been announced but not yet scheduled. Politico and NBC are co-sponsoring a Spring debate at the Reagan Presidential Library. The Library will also host another debate on the eve of the Super Tuesday elections.

All of the presidential debates prompt one major question: When will the candidates actually declare their intentions? No one has formally announced their intentions yet."

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