GOP House and Senate committees best Dems in April fundraising - The Hill's Ballot Box
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) outraised the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) by roughly $2 million in the past month, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) raised $1.3 million more than the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings.
Vulnerable Democrats defend support for campaign finance legislation -
Chamber President Thomas Donohue on Thursday reiterated his opposition to the Disclose Act, calling the bill “an unconstitutional attempt to silence free speech” and a “desperate attempt” by Democrats to gain political advantage in the 2010 elections.
“It’s unconstitutional,” Donohue said. “It’s un-American. And it must be stopped.”David N. Bossie - Elena Kagan: Hostile to free speech?
I oppose Kagan's nomination because I believe that every American has a fundamental right, guaranteed by the First Amendment, to speak out for or against their elected representatives.
Republicans Push Lawsuits to Unshackle Corporate Campaign Cash -
In a pending case, Republicans asked the Supreme Court to strike down part of the McCain-Feingold law that bans corporate and union contributions to political parties.
Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in Response to Absurd and Irresponsible Attack by Senator McConnell against Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Multi-Partyism in American Politics?
A May 12th Wall-Street Journal/NBC poll finds that 31% of American adults' view on the two-party system is that, "The two-party system is seriously broken, and the country needs a third party."
Chuck Schumer vs. Free Speech -
...we believe that the bill proposed on April 30 by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Chris Van Hollen to "blunt" the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC is unnecessary, partially duplicative of existing law, and severely burdensome to the right to engage in political speech and advocacy.
The Committee on House Administration - View Hearings / Meeting
Additional Discussion of H.R. 5175, The DISCLOSE ACT, Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections
Sue Lowden, a leading Republican contender to challenge Sen. Harry Reid, is being accused by a chief competitor of breaking campaign finance law for accepting a luxury campaign bus as a campaign contribution
Sunlight Foundation blogger says Congress needs to amend the DISCLOSE Act to make information about the sources available online in a timely, clear, and accessible format.
Democrats to tweak campaign bill after complaints over PACs -
House Democrats are planning changes to a campaign finance bill in response to attacks from business groups that argue the measure will sound the death knell for political action committees (PACs) run by foreign-owned companies like Anheuser-Busch.
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » California Poll Shows Big Lead for Proposition 14
Assuming the measure passes, those who favor having more than just Democrats and Republicans on the November ballot will resort to the courts.
Kagan Critiqued Bush v. Gore Case -
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan expressed misgivings about the Supreme Court's ruling in the 2000 Bush v. Gore election case, according to newly released documents that provide further insight into her views on how judges should do their jobs.
Citizens United Bill Underscores Broader Fight - Roll Call
House Democrats are pushing forward today with a measure to strike back at the controversial Supreme Court decision loosening restrictions on political spending. But leaders are split on the strategy for advancing the bill — a debate that highlights broader Caucus tensions over how best to prepare the party for potentially brutal midterms.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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