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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fwd: *MITT's HITS* (4/30) Gov Romney speaks in DC this Saturday

* MITT's    HITS *

Inside updates for friends of the Gov

(upcoming schedule, media hits and news sent to a select group. If you'd like to be left off please reply with "unsubscribe".)




MAY 2, Washington DC – Gov Romney speaks at the kickoff event for the "National Council for a New America" with Minority Whip Eric Cantor and Gov Jeb Bush.

10:00 AM. 2503B N. Harrison St. Arlington, VA


WATCH : Gov Romney talks about the "National Council for a New America" with John King on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday 9:00 AM


TODAY'S NEWS: From Bad to Worse by Mitt Romney– National Review Online (4/29)


Romney: "The government could backstop the post-restructuring debt, helping the company get on its feet. GM must not fail: If its costs are brought in line with its competition, it can ultimately thrive and grow jobs. What is proposed is even worse than bankruptcy—it would make GM the living dead."


VIDEO: Romney on CNN with Wolf Blitzer (4/21)


Romney: "This is a president who is still trying to find his sea legs. He needs to be sure that he can stand and defend the purposes of freedom. He is the leader of the free world and that has a responsibility which goes beyond talking about our own mistakes."







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